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Honest Ngowi

Board Of Directors

Honest Ngowi

The Late Prof. Honest Prosper Ngowi was a Professor of Economics, researcher and consultant in Economics and Business at Mzumbe University. He was the Head of the Department of Short Courses, Research, and Consultancy. Prof. Ngowi was known to be a prolific writer, having written and published widely (over 70 academic publications, over 80 research and consultancy reports, and more than 500 newspaper and magazine articles) in economics, business, and related areas.

In his lifetime, he served as a member of various boards including Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Foundation for Civil Society (Board Chairman for two years until 2017), SWISS Aid, Restless Development, Envirocare; University of Stellenbosch Business School in South Africa as well as SAGCOT Centre Ltd.

Professor Ngowi was a distinguished fellow at the African Centre for Technology Studies and a member of the Consortium of Senior Scholars at the University of Lusaka, Zambia, and also served in the position of Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bergen in Norway. He was multilingual with fluency in English, Norwegian, Kiswahili, and working languages in Danish and Swedish.

Prof. Ngowi joined the SAGCOT Centre LTD in 2018 and served in the capacity of Member of the Board of Directors as well as Chairman of the Executive Committee until his untimely demise in March 2022. He will continue to be remembered for his tenacity and his valuable contributions, vivid passion for transformation, and a legacy of youth advancement programs and coaching that will live on beyond his time.