SAGCOT Partners

1. Agriculture and Climate Risk Enterprise(ACRE) 29. Mtenda Kyela Rice Supply Co. Ltd (MKRS)
2. Africa Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) 30. National Microfinance Bank Plc (NMB)
3. African Grant Advisors 31. Njombe Milk Factory Company Ltd
4. AKM Glitters Company Ltd 32. Olivado Tanzania Ltd
5. African Potato Initiative 33. Opportunity International
6. ASAS Dairies Ltd 34. Pannar Seed (T) Ltd
7. Bagamoyo Fruits Company Ltd 35. Pyrethrum Company of Tanzania Ltd
8. Bayer Life Science Tanzania Ltd 36.Pee Pee Tanzania Ltd
9. Beula Seed Company Ltd 37. Profate Investments Ltd
10. Clinton Development Initiative (CDI) 38. Raphael Group Ltd
11. CRDB Bank Plc 39. Righa’s Safina Aqua Farming Co. Ltd (Big Fish)
12. Darsh Industries Ltd 40. SAB Miller/Tanzania Breweries Ltd
13. Deka Foods 41. SeedCo Tanzania Ltd
14. Diageo 42. Shambani Graduates Enterprises Ltd
15. DOB Equity 43. Shambadunia Ltd
16. EA Fruits Farm and Company 44. Singida Youth Entrepreneurs & Consultants (SYECCOS)
17. Empien Farms Ltd 45. Southern Highlands Agricultural Development Company Limited (SHADECO Ltd)
18. Farm for the Future (T) Ltd 46. Silverstreet Capital LLP
19. GBRI Business Solution Co. Ltd 47. Sunflower Development Company Ltd
20. Green Valley Agro Ltd 48. Syngenta International AG
21. Guavay Company Ltd 49. Tamu Tamu Tanzania Ltd
22. Homeveg Tanzania Ltd 50. TANSEED International Ltd
23. HZPC SBDA B.V 51. Tanzanice Agrofoods Ltd
24. JNSA Vision Plus Limited 52. Tanzania Agriculture Livestock Solutions Ltd (TALAS)
25. Kilombero Sugar Company Ltd (KSC) 53. Tomoni Farms Ltd
26. Live Support Systems (T) Ltd 54. Unilever Plc
27. Minjingu Mines and Fertilizer Ltd 55. Yara International ASA
28. MORAGG Company Ltd
1. Agricultural Council of Tanzania (ACT) 6. Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA)
2. Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) 7. Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA)
3. Njombe Out Growers Services Company Ltd (NOSC) 8. Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)
4. Rice Council of Tanzania (RCT) 9. Tanzania Seed Trade Association (TASTA)
5. Sokoine University Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO Cooperative)
1. African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) 18. Kilimo Trust
2. Agricultural Markets Development Trust (AMDT) 19. Land O’ Lakes International Development
3. Agriterra Tanzania 20. Lutheran World Relief
4. Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) 21. Norges Vel, Tanzania
5. Building Rural Income through Enterprise (BRiTEN) 22. Royal Norwegian Embassy
6. Department for International Development (DFID) 23. SNV Netherlands Development Organization
7. Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands 24. Stitching IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative
8. Faida Market Link 25. Tanzania Agricultural Partnership (TAP)
9. Farm Africa 26. Tanzania Coffee Research Institute (TACRI)
10. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) 27. Tea Research Institute of Tanzania (TRIT)
11. Heifer International Tanzania 28. The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
12. International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) 29. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
13. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 30. United Nations World Food Programme (UNWFP)
14. International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) 31. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
15. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 32. Wildlife Conservation Society
16. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 33. World Vegetable Centre
17. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 34. World Bank
Government of United Republic of Tanzania
~ President’s Office ~ Ministry of Water & Irrigation
~ Vice President’s Office ~ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation
~ Prime Minister’s Office ~ Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement
~ President’s Office-RALG ~ Ministry of Energy & Minerals
~ Ministry of Agriculture ~ Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications
~ Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries ~ Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
~ Ministry of Finance & Planning ~ Ministry of Information, Arts, Culture and SportsMinistry of Information, Arts, Culture and Sports
~ Ministry of Industries, Trade & Investment
Government Agencies and Regulations
~ National Irrigation Commission (NIRC) ~ Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA)
~ National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) ~ Tanzania Meat Board (TMB)
~ Rural Energy Agency (REA) ~ Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institution (TOSCI)
~ Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) ~ Tropical Pesticides Research Institute (TPRI)
~ Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) ~ Agricultural Seed Agency (ASA)
~ Tanzania Fertilizers Regulatory Authority (TFRA)
1. National Insurance Corporation (T) Ltd (NIC)
2. Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC)
1. Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) 3. Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB)
2. Private Agricultural Sector Support (PASS) 4. Tanzania Investment Bank (TIB)