Beng`i Issa

Board Of Directors

Beng`i Issa

Board Member

After more than 25 years in senior management positions in the areas of local content, women economic empowerment, strategic planning and budgeting, human resources, administration and procurement, program design and management, among a myriad of others, Bengí Mazana Issa is channeling her wide breadth of industry experience into SAGCOT Centre Limited. This newly appointed member of the SAGCOT Board of Directors currently also serves in several capacities;

This newly appointed member of the SAGCOT Board of Directors currently also serves in several capacities;

Before that, she also served as Board Chairperson for Tanzania Women Bank (2016 - 2018) and a Member of the Board for DCB Commercial Bank (2015 - 2016), and has consulted for DANIDA, British Council as well as Swiss Contact.

Beng'i became a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in 1999 and preceding that was an Advanced Diploma in Certified Accountancy from the Institute of Development Management, Mzumbe followed by a Master of Science in Financial Management from Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, United Kingdom.

She also took up several short courses from world renowned prestigious universities and institutions such as Harvard University (Boston, USA), World Bank Institute (Italy, Durban, and Washington - USA), British Council (United Kingdom), Global Learning Development Centre (Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia), United States Agency for International Development (Nairobi - Kenya), among others.

Beng'i has been responsible for several relevant papers and publications including but not limited to;

Beng’i brings to SCL vast experience in both fundraising, empowerment, financial management, smallholder farmer engagement, NGO's and leadership particularly in the Government, she is also well connected across the industry and particularly with the Government.