Poultry Value Chain

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Poultry Value Chain

Tanzania’s poultry sub-sector is comprised of traditional and commercial production systems. Traditional poultry kept are mainly chicken (90%) with the remaining small proportion being ducks, ostriches, pigeons and geese. According to the Tanzania Poultry Breeders Association (TPBA), traditional chicken shows a high potential to improve food security, household income of rural people, particularly disadvantaged groups such as women and children.

Commercial poultry production in Tanzania is still on a low scale due to lack of skills and technical knowhow, lack of capital for investment, unorganized market for poultry and poultry products, unreliable supply of day-old chicks, lack of reliable supply of quality poultry feeds, high veterinary medicine costs, poultry feed costs and lack of poultry processing industries. Tanzania’s per capita consumption of poultry meat is estimated at 15 kg per annum (FAO 2015). Through the Poultry Strategic Partnership, SAGCOT is working with its partners to address challenges and opportunities in the sub-sector