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Sunflower Value Chain

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Sun Flower Value Chain

The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is one of the prioritized value chains in the Mbarali cluster in SAGCOT Corridor. The sunflower value chain has a potential to make a significant contribution in increasing smallholder farmers incomes and in creation of employment opportunities for youth and contribution to overall economic growth of Tanzania. Considering a huge demand for sunflower oil in the local and export markets, the SAGCOT Centre in collaboration with the government and other stakeholders has taken various initiative to support growth of sunflower value chain which is one of the prioritized value chains in the Agriculture Sector. Development Programme phase two (ASDP II). Some of the initiatives that have been undertaken to develop sunflower include tax incentives, and introduction of improved seed varieties to improve productivity. SAGCOT initiative is in line with government policies and initiative like ASDP. Thus, sunflower has been prioritized as one of the strategic value chains under the SAGCOT initiative. SAGCOT Centre Limited (SCL) has convened a series of meetings with the Sunflower Strategic Partnership to resolve key policy and non-policy issues to boost growth of the sunflower value chain. SCL has been participating in various policy platform in order to champion policy reforms and a conducive environment for development of the sunflower value chain.